Sunday 17 May 2009

Rain, wind and severe ligament pain

I had every intention of writing today of my successful departure on a 10 mile training run, it was to be a glorious post, full of personal triumph and witty running metaphors. Instead I write of my absolute failure at today's 10 mile run, resulting in anger which I can only really direct back at my self. Today was my first run in my new trainers, which actually fit comfortably and were not the cause of my problems today. Here is a list of things that ruined my day:

Slashing rain
Howling wind
Searing ligament pain (a recent reoccuring problem)
The ridiculously non-waterproof excuse for a kagoule I was wearing
Burning thighs still reeling from a heavy legs session at the gym on thursday.

I ran for approximately 30 minutes and gave up, my anterior cruciate ligament (something I only knew existed last week) felt like it was going to snap, I felt unfit, unhealthy, sluggish and slow - not a good combination for a long distance runner. All this comes after the revelation that if I continue with current progress I could be fast enough to run for my university in September. The problem is I have a relatively fragile sense of self, especially when it comes to fitness, if i take two days off I begin to question whether I'll be able to run as fast on my next venture on the open road. A week off (which I have just had) kills me, and messing up a run after a week off, well lets just say I'm not exactly going to be an amiable character for the next few days.

My plan:

Watch chariots of fire, feel sorry for myself, take tomorrow off, try again on tuesday - 10 miles. It is important to note at this time that I am in Bath staying at my parents house for some peace and quiet during revision for uni exams, I am getting neither peace or quiet and my mum won't leave me alone until I eat thousands of calories worth of roast dinner. It's not going to happen because 1) I hate roast and 2) I don't feel I have earned the right to gluttony today.

Todays mantra:

Take the good with the bad, even if the bad seems like a cruel joke.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for visiting my blog. Hope your leg gets better soon.
